A very abstract Web Form Builder and Processor for PHP 4 and 5
TM::Apeform creates self repeating web forms, so called “Affenformulare” (German for “ape forms”). If a million apes is typing into the form (that's the “Infinite monkey theorem”), the form is displayed again and again as long as it contains errors.
- An Apeform form is created, validated and processed in a single PHP script.
- The class hides the access to POST and global variables and simply returns the submitted values.
- It offers an easy way to handle input errors (checking valid email addresses for example).
- It supports all the form elements including radio buttons, select boxes, file upload fields and so on.
- It provides an own templating system, so you don't have to deal with HTML at all.
- It creates labels and access keys according to HTML 4 standard and returns XHTML compatible output.
- In addition you can add JavaScript handlers to any form element.
The TM::Apeform class is optimized to be used with the minimum amount of source code. For example, the following PHP script is a full functional form mailer.
<?php require_once("Apeform.class.php"); $form = new Apeform(); $message = $form->textarea("Your Message"); $form->submit("Send Email"); $form->display(); if ($form->isValid()) { mail("", "Subject", $message); }
The class is open source (of course) and free for non-commercial use. If you want to use it in a commercial project, please ask for a personal license.
- Download the TM::Apeform PHP class (version from 2009-08-25)
New features since 2004
- Erzeugung mehrerer Textfelder nebeneinander in der selben Formularzeile.
- Eingebauter Schutz vor Spam-Angriffen durch “Form-Post-Hijacking”.
- Wahlweise vollautomatische Erzeugung von Accesskeys.
- Mehr Kontrolle über die Handhabung der intern genutzten HTML-Templates, zum Beispiel kann jeder Formularzeile eine eigene CSS-Klasse zugewiesen werden.
- Viele kleine Verbesserungen, unter anderem in der Handhabung von Datei-Uploads.